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So far Derek Scott has created 76 blog entries.

Our Bodies? Our Selves? – Susan McConnell

"Parts have bodies, parts are located in the body, and parts may use the body to perform their protective or reactive functions. Weight gain may be an attempt to protect the tender core from repeated boundary violations, or to prevent unwanted sexual interest; weight loss may be an effort to provide a sense of control."

Our Bodies? Our Selves? – Susan McConnell2019-10-21T20:40:35-04:00

Let Your Clients Help You Heal – Dick Schwartz

"Whether an impasse or vicious cycle is triggered by therapist or client, the onus is on us as therapists—not to always remain Self-led because that’s impossible—but to return to Self-leadership when we’ve lost it and nip vicious cycles in the bud."

Let Your Clients Help You Heal – Dick Schwartz2019-10-21T20:40:35-04:00

IFS and Mindfulness Meditation – Paul Ginter Ed.D.

"With IFS, there is the understanding that if one part changes, it will inevitably affect other parts within the system. Likewise, the concept of interbeing in mindfulness suggests a profound level of connection between all things."

IFS and Mindfulness Meditation – Paul Ginter Ed.D.2019-10-21T20:40:35-04:00

Finding My Way In By Finding My Own Parts – Erich Moraine

Erich describes his journey to becoming a more Self-led therapist. "I caught the first few glimpses of this Self-like manager I named the striver/therapist when I heard mixed reviews as part of my feedback during the practice sessions. This striver part was definitely in charge and focused all of his/my energy on creating a breakthrough for my practice clients, no matter what."

Finding My Way In By Finding My Own Parts – Erich Moraine2019-10-21T20:40:35-04:00

IFS and The Twelve Steps – Suzan McVicker

Susan here describes bringing the IFS model to an ongoing group of people in recovery using the 12 steps model. "The biggest challenge of the weekly group’s “storming” stage seemed to be triggering around members experiences and expectations lingering from former treatments and self help groups."

IFS and The Twelve Steps – Suzan McVicker2019-10-21T20:40:35-04:00

Accessing the Self and Parts Through Authentic Movement – Susan Cahill

"authentic movement is a remarkably effective tool to access the inner voices of our parts through physical expression... When a nonverbal relationship is developed between the Self and parts, parts are more likely to trust and accept the presence, power, and leadership of the Self"

Accessing the Self and Parts Through Authentic Movement – Susan Cahill2019-10-21T20:40:35-04:00

Grief: Mapping the Terrain

This post by Derek offers an overview and critique of contemporary bereavement theory and suggests some guiding principles in working with the bereaved from an IFS perspective. There is also a link to a video which demonstrates through role-play the application of the IFS method to bereavement.

Grief: Mapping the Terrain2019-10-21T20:40:35-04:00
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