Mastering IFS: Deepening your Core Practice

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Please Note: This weekend course is only available to students who have participated in the IFSCA Stepping Stone or have taken Level 1 with the IFS Institute and is taught by Derek Scott or senior IFSCA staff

Limited to 16 participants

One of the challenges of taking the Stepping Stone course is that it can be difficult to advance your IFS understanding.

  • How can you find more of your own Self energy?
  • What do you do when a client insists it is not a part talking to them?
  • What is the role of guides and how do we work with them?
  • How do we discern and clear legacy burdens that are intimately entwined with a part’s personal burden?

The goal of this weekend is to develop both the theoretical understanding and practical skill to be comfortable with what might be considered the farther reaches of IFS. All sessions will be recorded and available to you for 1 month.

IFSCA have been gifted with permission to use some of the recordings (where appropriate) from the teachers in the IFS Masterclass series: specifically Loch Kelly, Bob Falconer, Kay Gardner and Ed Yeats.

Graduates from the weekend may apply for inclusion in the IFSCA directory. Please email IFSCA for complete eligibility requirements.

Saturday: Resourcing from Source; Legacy Burdens

We will meet and check-in briefly in the large group and more thoroughly in breakout pods. The pods are where you will get to share/debrief some of the experiential work.

For the first 3 hours we will focus on the teachings of Loch Kelly. You will be invited to consider the source of Self energy and to distinguish between Self Essence, Self Energy and Self Leadership. Through a guided meditation with Loch you will be invited into an experience of Self that increases your access to Self energy and helps to distinguish and appreciate your Self-like managers.

The second half of Sunday will explore the work of Kay Gardner on Legacy Burdens. You will learn the discerning questions to help identify the legacy aspect of a burden and how to clear it both from the client’s system and their lineage; transforming it into a legacy blessing. You will be invited to release a legacy burden of your own through a guided meditation.

Sunday: Unattached Burdens; Shamanism and Guides

After a brief check-in will focus on unattached burdens (formerly termed “critters”) and the work of Bob Falconer. You will learn how prevalent these understandings are for world majority peoples and how to discern these entities/energies and clear them from the client’s system.

The second half of the day look at the teachings of Ed Yeats on Shamanism, its relevance to IFS work and the role of guides. You will have the opportunity to watch a demo featuring the work of a guide. We will then wrap up on the weekend and consider next steps.